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  • Writer's pictureAubrey Dunn

Sunday Scaries & Being in the Moment

It is Sunday evening, and I am sure that we all have the Sunday scaries! I try to calm my anxietys about Monday by doing some self-care! I take time for me and mostly stay in my pajamas all day. Currently, I am sitting on my bed and listening to my Christian playlist that I have made for praising the Lord. I take my evening shower, and then change into new pajamas to go to sleep in. Now, how do we get through the dredful Monday? I say, we stand tall and stay strong! I remind myself that it is a new week and time for me to get things done! I go to work, with plenty of coffee, and try to be a cheery person that says 'good morning' to every person that I pass. I take deep breaths, and do my best to not become overwhelmed. I am guilty of automatically doing the count down to Friday though. I tend to think into the future, instead of into the now. I try to tell myself to slow down and be present in the moment. I have always had events in my life to look forward to like, graduating college with my bachelors, and now to graduate with my masters. I feel as though I am the poster board for not being present in the moment. How do I start to be mindful in the moment? I am starting to practice being fully focused into what I am doing. I try to tell myself to stay fully focused at work, dinner, and honestly, even in the shower! I breathe and take everything in as the moments are passing me. Life truly passes by so quickly, so why are we rushing to the future? I sure wish I would of learned to be mindful and stay in the present while I was in undergrad. I look back now, and think, how did I want to rush that by? That was probably a big moment in my life when I decided to be more present. As we walk into this wonderful Monday, remember to stay present and breathe!

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