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  • Writer's pictureAubrey Dunn

Body Image

Obviously, from my "My Story" post, I am no stranger to having a bad body image. I remember being 21 and home from school for the summer, and cuddling up to my boyfriend at the time on his couch. I had already gained a few pounds

that summer, since I was not restricting my food while I was home. I remember him saying "hey babe, if you ever gain weight, I will joke on you till you lose it all." I felt so uncomfortable and wanted to cry. I tried not to show how I was feeling, but I am sure he could tell I was uncomfortable. I did not how to respond to his comment, so I unfortunately just said nothing. It was comments like these that made me feel bad about my body, even when I was practically starving myself. I look back now, and think about what I should of said, like "you are so insensitive, you should love me for me, not my weight." I did not understand why someone I loved and thought loved me, would say something like that! The point is, society does not make it easy for us to have a great body image. We are raised to think that beauty is tall, skinny, big boobs, and a nice butt. Well, society needs to see that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We are all beautiful. We should all eat when we are hungry. We should all move our bodies healthily and when we feel like moving our bodies. How can we be happy if we are constantly starving or dieting, and exercising when we really do not want to? We need to take care of our mental health also. People do not love you because of how you look, they love you because of who you are.

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